Hey friend, welcome back to The Surrender Driven Success Podcast! Do you absolutely LOVE being a wife and a mom, but something in you desires MORE? Do you have dreams in your heart and the drive to pursue work “outside of motherhood” despite ALL the hats you wear at home? But you ask yourself HOW? How can I prioritize my family AND do the things I feel called to do without sacrificing one or the other? How can I grow as an entrepreneur without hurting my family? You wonder, if it’s REALLY possible to be an excellent wife, an intentional mother, AND be successful in business...ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD? Hi, my name is Michelle and as a wife of 17 years, a homeschooling mama of 5, and a kingdom entrepreneur, I know how you feel! Every bit of it. -I know you wish EVERYDAY that there were more hours in the DAY. -I know that the “Mom Guilt” whispers in your ear far too often. -I know that you would love to know the secret to overcoming the frustration of CONSTANT interruptions so that you could get more done. -You crave less distractions and more SIMPLICITY….More order in the home, but more fun experiences OUTSIDE the home…more connection with your family and less “BUSY.” -Above all, you wish that whatever season you are in and whatever hat you are wearing, you could just find PEACE… A peace rooted in your faith, so secure that you could NOT be shaken! You are NOT alone. I’m SO thankful you’re here to join me on this journey of processing life TOGETHER and growing in greater purpose, as fellow business minded mamas with a heart for home and a love for Jesus. I truly believe that “the MOST important work you will ever do is within the walls of your home.” Do believe that too? ...then let’s get our hearts NOURISHED and our minds EMPOWERED so that we can pursue our greatest potential by pursuing Jesus FIRST. I know how precious your time is, so on this podcast we’re going to go deep as we embrace SURRENDER driven SUCCESS; gain Biblical PERSPECTIVE for everyday life, and learn practical tips to experience more PEACE in the midst of balancing work AND family. But even more than that, let’s intentionally pave the way for our children’s future while we build ours. Let’s explore how to connect the work of our hands with our influence at home so that we can leave a lasting legacy through the next generation! Friend, God’s dreams for your life are better than yours so you can let go and trust. It starts in your heart and it starts in your home and FROM THERE… I believe you can create that impact and income you’ve always dreamed of. Go grab that basket of clean laundry to fold or pour another cup of coffee and let’s grow TOGETHER!

Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Well I did NOT see this email coming…but for now, I wanted to update you that today I published my LAST episode on The Surrender Driven Success Podcast…(for Now at least?)
For those of you that may be feeling the nudge to scale back,
wrestling with slowing down,
craving more time to focus on your family…
and maybe even feeling called to lay down your good endeavors altogether
…I get it!
Letting Go is both PAINFUL and FREEING, and I am confident that wherever these podcast episodes find you…you’ll find hope and encouragement for YOUR journey! 🦋
Check out Episodes 105, 106, 108, and today’s final episode 109 right here on the Surrender Driven Success Podcast where I’ve audaciously poured out my heart during the shifting of seasons in my life.
I pray this podcast continues to help you and other mamas find more purpose and peace as you balance ALL the THINGS with God at the Center.
Press Play Today for all the details on why I’m pressing PAUSE.
I’m so thankful for the JOY of Surrender and the transformations that only God can do 🙌🏼🦋
I’m VERY Thankful for you too!
Big Hugs ~ Michelle
P.S. As a final goodbye it would bless me SO much if you left a review on apple itunes and let me know how what this podcast has meant to you! Keep sharing and keep listening because I don’t believe this content expires…let this be a place you can always run to for a word of encouragement or Godly wisdom when it comes to faith, motherhood, and balancing business in the mix.
Oh and be sure to grab your FREE gift Here! https://bit.ly/SDSJoyofSurrender
Connect ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Hey friend…today I’m checking in on you with your business?
I don’t know where you’re struggling…where you feel a little lost…where you feel like it’s just NOT working or something seems “off”?
Maybe you’re feeling called to scale back, to focus on your family more, to slow down, and even to lay your good endeavors aside?
This is such a hard place to be!
I want you to know that you’re not alone and I want to add some purpose to the pressure you might be feeling.
I’m going to catch you up on some pretty big pivots my heart has unexpectedly taken when it comes to what my “work” looks like in this season. I know that something in my story will both encourage and challenge you today!
This is a continuation of some previous conversations…so if you haven’t yet. Pause right now and go listen to episode
105 // Struggling with LETTING GO? My Testimony In the Trenches of Inner Growth and Deeper Trust? What To Do When Your Plan Doesn’t Look Like You THOUGHT it Would and Obedience Feels like Sacrifice!
106 // What If What Your Struggle is Actually God’s MERCY in Your Life? Surrendering the HOW and WHEN of the Dreams in Your Heart while Finding Purpose and embracing PATIENCE in the UNEXPECTED.
These episodes are so so REAL and deep, and provide the context for today’s conversation!
Also, let’s begin asking some intentional questions so that you dream WITH God for 2023, while you finish up the next few months strong!
Thank you so much for listening, for clicking the 5 stars below to rate this episode, and for showing up to continue growing with me!
XOXO ~ Michelle
P.S. If you’re new to the list…Don’t forget to Download your Free Gift to help you stay rooted in your home, in motherhood, and in business RIGHT now. These 10 tips will help you find more fulfillment as you seek God first in this season. So go grab your checklist to grow some more!
Connect ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt

Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Mom Guilt! - these two words that EVERY mama at some point in time struggles with…especially as a business minded mama with a heart for home.
Maybe you feel guilty for working and worry that you’re hurting your family for growing in business?
Maybe you feel guilty for NOT working…feeling shame for being “just a mom” and not doing more to contribute to the family finances?
Maybe you feel defeated in your faith…like you can’t do enough to measure up?
The list of negative self-talk and anxious emotions that are packaged in the phrase “mom guilt” could go ON and ON…
But today we’re talking about how to crush mom guilt at the root!
This was actually a conversation I had over on my friend Brooke Jefferson’s podcast recently. Go check out her show called the Five Star Business Podcast.
She asked me to come on and speak to her audience about this topic and I thought it was a valuable conversation to share with you too!
As you press on ahead toward this fall season, I want to encourage you to settle your heart and find greater peace in WHO you are and in ALL that you do!
Connect ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
I want to pick back up where I left off in REALLY catching you up on my life and what God’s been doing in my heart over the past few months. It’s been DEEP, and Hard, and Surprising…but So good because I KNOW that my God is SO SO Good!
Even when my emotions have struggled, I have the deepest clarity and confidence that God’s ‘turning of the tables’ in my little heart is His grace and MERCY in my life.
So Where do you find yourself today?
Are you wrestling through some changes in an area of your life?
Are you struggling with the shifting of seasons maybe in your HEART and trying to make sense of it all?
Maybe you feel a little confused at what God is doing and deep down you just really NEED to know that the work you are doing is WORTH IT. That you are on the right track?
Seriously, go make you a cup of coffee or just cross your legs and get comfortable in your mind so that you can be attentive to WHATEVER the Lord might want to speak to YOU about in today’s episode…as I show up once again to pour out my heart some some valuable pieces of wisdom that will help steady YOU for your journey.
I know that there is something that you need to hear today that will cover you with warmth and truth as you continue to bravely TRUST God in your life and challenging circumstances.
You absolutely want to go back and listen to episode 105 if you haven’t yet because this is a continuation of that conversation;
Today we’re going to be talking about What If Your Struggle is Actually God’s MERCY in Your Life? Surrendering the HOW and WHEN of the Dreams in Your Heart while Finding Purpose and embracing PATIENCE in the UNEXPECTED.
Get out a paper and a pen to write down some truths and press PLAY!
Let’s grow together ~ Michelle
Connect ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Can I be SOO honest with you?
What are you holding onto?
What NEW thing is God doing in your life?
What about the struggle of letting go so that you can move ahead in obedience to the Lord.
How do YOU work through this with wisdom and grace?
These are all very REAL questions we talk about in today’s Podcast episode
as I sit down “friend to friend” to catch you up on my life.
I want to let you in on my very raw personal journey of struggle so that God can get glory from my life and speak what He needs to speak into YOUR life too.
Even in the crushing, even in the pressing…SO much strength is found in SURRENDER. And I want to invite you to embrace the process WITH me.
I believe you are here for a reason, so seriously, DO grab that cup of coffee and come listen as I pour out my heart.
Whether you’re Wrestling through feelings of grief, loss, or CHANGE?
I trust that God will meet you in the Middle of wherever you’re at.
Connect ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
TODAY is kind of a big deal because you’re actually going to hear from my amazing husband on this week’s podcast episode!
Tyler is such an amazing man and so full of wisdom; but he is definitely NOT the podcast type. Any form of being on camera or being recorded he will usually run away from. lol
In fact, I wanted to interview him for our 17th anniversary episode back in December, but when we started talking…I was like, this is not going to work. Haha
He’s often my biggest ‘kid’ and there was no way he would sit still long enough to be serious.
BUT, I caught him in a serious moment for this conversation - literally behind closed doors in our bedroom - and I wanted to share his perspective (a husband’s perspective) with YOU so that you can be greater empowered in your marriage! (sharing with permission of course
I’ve felt for the past month to record an episode on a few of the reasons why you cannot afford to NOT date your husband. Yes, you heard me right. This is a MUST in your marriage RIGHT now
…you just might not realize it yet.
There is SO much to say about this topic, and believe me, as a homeschooling mother of 5, I get ALL the excuses. However, in 2020 Tyler and I decided to make this a weekly habit and it was SO life giving for our relationship!
Here’s a few of the questions I asked Tyler - unplanned; unscripted; just sincere responses behind bedroom doors:
-From a husband’s perspective, Why do you feel like it’s important to date your spouse?
-What is the real ROOT purpose of dating your spouse from a Biblical perspective?
-How should you prepare for a date?
-What are the ingredients for a successful date night?
-What if you have little kids; and you feel like you’re drowning? What if you don’t have the extra time or money…basically every excuse NOT to date?
-What do you do when you feel like your husband doesn’t listen when you share your heart?
or he doesn’t seem to desire you like he used to or maybe wouldn’t WANT to prioritize a date with you?
Or maybe doesn’t even know the Lord?
What then?
let’s get real and raw, and even a little controversial in today’s conversation…I know you are here for a reason!
Growing with you! ~ Michelle
Connect ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Do you struggle to find time to read the Bible as a busy mom?
Or when you carve out the time, maybe you feel lost and you don’t know what to do? Where to Start?
Maybe you feel guilty because your mind is constantly distracted during your quiet time and it feels impossible to be STILL?
Or do you wrestle with hearing from God…unsure sometimes if you really KNOW Him?
These are all hard and triggering questions, but I think as a Christian mama…you can relate to the STRUGGLE of confidently nurturing your faith through your relationship with God.
Today on the podcast I’m hanging out with my friend Angela and I know you are going to leave both encouraged and also with a little “tough love perspective” for pursuing Jesus.
Don’t worry, there is SO much grace in this conversation. I promise, you are in the right place!
Angela Pitnikoff is a pastor’s wife, boy mom, worship leader and podcaster. She is so down to earth and fun to be around and you’re going to leave with some foundational reasons and practical ways you can connect with God Consistently!
If you want some clarity for successfully spending more time in prayer and reading the Bible …as well as some fresh perspective for knowing God, hearing his voice, and choosing to trust…Press Play today!
Connect with Angela and find her free 5-day devotional at www.thekingdomdaughters.com
Connect ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Do you find yourself wishing there were always more hours in the day?
…But you struggle to find motivation to get your work done and procrastinate far too often?
Do you need better time management skills so that you can actually DO all the amazing things you plan to do?
…Or maybe your kids are taking FOREVER to get their school work done.
I’ve got your back girlfriend and Today, I’m going to share a few simple time saving hacks that are going to help!
These 2 tips will give you some strategy to not only be more productive, but help your kids create habits to get THEIR work done faster too!
Connect and grab a FREE gift ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Are you drowning in paper clutter?
Feeling the need to purge and get it together in your home office and homeschool room but aren't’ sure where to start?
Do you struggle to STAY organized with all the Responsibilities you manage, and want to develop healthy habits once and for all to help you love the space you live in?
Have no fear, Lisa Lizotte is here!
Today, I’m bringing on my friend Lisa...
She is a professional organizer and podcaster at The Habits and Home Show where she shares practical how-to tips for decluttering, organizing and systemizing your home.
She's a faith-led mom of three homeschoolers managing their five acre Florida hobby farm who knows firsthand what it feels like to live in a home that is pulling her from all directions and demanding her constant attention. Through her own trial and error, she has discovered what it takes to set up systems and boundaries to manage her home smoothly and within her own capacity.
It's her mission to help other moms achieve the peace in their homes they are desperately longing for, and she does this through coaching women to downsize in order to live within their capacity and utilize habits and resets to achieve balance in their homes, relationships and personal well-being.
Are you excited yet?! Lol
I don’t know about you, but this conversation finds me right on time as I set up my new home and seek to develop new habits. I want and need to grow specifically in my paper management skills
And I have a hunch that you’d appreciate a little more clarity with WHAT to do with all the paper clutter that comes through your doors too.
This conversation is loaded with practical tips and strategies as Lisa shares her experience and also coaches me through specific questions.
Let’s Declutter Together! ~ Michelle
Disclaimer: Press pause as often as needed but listen to ALL of this fun conversation that is going to help you create more peace and purpose in your home and in your business.
Connect with Lisa at habitsandhome.com to download her FREE Daily Reset Checklist.
Connect ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Today is the 100th podcast episode! Can you Believe it?!
I wanted to let you in on a very personal and vulnerable journey I’ve been on since the start of this podcast and really pour out some encouragement and HOPE for you in a very real and practical way today!
(Take a peek at my Facebook Page for a super special “Behind the Scenes” look into our family’s life - www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt)
Putting this episode together has felt intimidating but I want to celebrate with you not only the success of this podcast, but God’s goodness in my life, so that YOU can be reminded of God’s goodness in YOUR life - regardless of what things look or FEEL like.
I can’t wait to go over some nuggets of wisdom that are going to help you navigate the ‘HARD’ in your life.
This will help you navigate the waiting; the confusion of things not lining up the way or in the time you thought, and the situations that just look and feel “impossible.”
There is fresh GRACE for you today!
Before you press play, I want to invite you to Celebrate the 100th ‘Surrender Driven Success’ Podcast Episode with me!
It’s more than a number, but this milestone represents hard work, faithfulness, and the heart to serve others.
If you've been here for a while or if you're brand new to my podcast...just know that you are here for a reason and I cherish your support!
Would you help me celebrate this milestone of 100 episodes today by leaving a quick written review over on apple itunes?
This week only, you’ll be entered into a drawing for your 5 star support and I’ll be giving away a FREE Heart 2 Heart Coaching Session to say THANKS!
Enter to win: (THIS WEEK only!)
- Click the 5 Stars and leave a NEW review on the podcast on apple itunes (if you don’t have an iphone…go borrow a friends)
- BONUS entry: leave speakpipe testimony on my website and I will air you on my show. Simply go to https://www.michellehiatt.com/chatwithme and click “start recording” to leave a personal message!
To say THANK YOU…I will enter you into a 100th celebration giveaway to win a Free seat in a Heart 2 Heart strategy session with me:
Here I’ll get to chat with you about some simple strategies, mindsets, and HEARTsets to help you balance motherhood and business with greater purpose and peace!
What's Included:
✔️ 60-minute Christian Life Coaching Session
✔️ Personalized Success Strategies
✔️ An organized Google Doc to track your growth
✔️ 2 Weekly Accountability Check Ins
✔️ An encouraging, honest, and trustworthy voice
At the end of each session, you will walk away
with practical steps for breakthrough and fresh vision for how your faith, family, and work can beautifully connect as you pursue your greatest potential.
Today, I want to let you in on a journey my family has been on for a year and a half now. This is significant and personal and I have no doubt that God is going to light up your heart through my personal story!
For the Behind the Scenes Details of this journey and to hear more about one of the biggest tests of TRUSTS my heart has had to handle the past few years...listen to the unfiltered details on The Surrender Driven Success Podcast today!
With a thankful heart ~ Michelle
Connect ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt