Hey friend, welcome back to The Surrender Driven Success Podcast! Do you absolutely LOVE being a wife and a mom, but something in you desires MORE? Do you have dreams in your heart and the drive to pursue work “outside of motherhood” despite ALL the hats you wear at home? But you ask yourself HOW? How can I prioritize my family AND do the things I feel called to do without sacrificing one or the other? How can I grow as an entrepreneur without hurting my family? You wonder, if it’s REALLY possible to be an excellent wife, an intentional mother, AND be successful in business...ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD? Hi, my name is Michelle and as a wife of 17 years, a homeschooling mama of 5, and a kingdom entrepreneur, I know how you feel! Every bit of it. -I know you wish EVERYDAY that there were more hours in the DAY. -I know that the “Mom Guilt” whispers in your ear far too often. -I know that you would love to know the secret to overcoming the frustration of CONSTANT interruptions so that you could get more done. -You crave less distractions and more SIMPLICITY….More order in the home, but more fun experiences OUTSIDE the home…more connection with your family and less “BUSY.” -Above all, you wish that whatever season you are in and whatever hat you are wearing, you could just find PEACE… A peace rooted in your faith, so secure that you could NOT be shaken! You are NOT alone. I’m SO thankful you’re here to join me on this journey of processing life TOGETHER and growing in greater purpose, as fellow business minded mamas with a heart for home and a love for Jesus. I truly believe that “the MOST important work you will ever do is within the walls of your home.” Do believe that too? ...then let’s get our hearts NOURISHED and our minds EMPOWERED so that we can pursue our greatest potential by pursuing Jesus FIRST. I know how precious your time is, so on this podcast we’re going to go deep as we embrace SURRENDER driven SUCCESS; gain Biblical PERSPECTIVE for everyday life, and learn practical tips to experience more PEACE in the midst of balancing work AND family. But even more than that, let’s intentionally pave the way for our children’s future while we build ours. Let’s explore how to connect the work of our hands with our influence at home so that we can leave a lasting legacy through the next generation! Friend, God’s dreams for your life are better than yours so you can let go and trust. It starts in your heart and it starts in your home and FROM THERE… I believe you can create that impact and income you’ve always dreamed of. Go grab that basket of clean laundry to fold or pour another cup of coffee and let’s grow TOGETHER!

Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
I recently heard a mompreneur talking about work/life balance and it got me thinking about what I REALLY believe about this topic that always seems “too good to be true”
It also made me think, How SHOULD I be thinking about balance from a Biblical perspective?
Balance is a word we throw around casually and it can stir SO many emotions…good AND bad.
What I do know is that the pursuit of Balance or “work/life balance” as a busy mama always feels like a ‘GOAL’ and especially this time of year when you are doing your absolute best to get your schedule in balance for the fall…it is at the top of your mind.
But is it even possible or realistic at all?
Today, let’s get more clarity around this topic of BALANCE so that you can be empowered to know what to prioritize and find more peace in your to-do list.
P.S. If you would like a FREE resource with some of my favorite tips for balancing motherhood and business with greater purpose! Download your gift here! www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
P.S.S. Also, If you’d like to work together to breakdown your specific struggles and get breakthrough -God’s Way, feel free to book a Heart 2 Heart Coaching Call too.
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Feel like you’ve blown it mama?
Are you Feeling Frustrated because you’ve ALREADY messed up and the school year is just getting started!
When things don’t look or feel the way you had hoped, does the negative self talk creep in?
What about when life feels HARD…does doubt rise up?
Let’s face it…
Developing a business is HARD!
Motherhood is Hard
Being a wife is Hard
Relationships can be Hard
Life can just be hard at times and when we face those hard crossroads...you know, the moments where you question everything and are on the brink of giving up?
THESE are the golden opportunities to dig deep within and deep into God’s Word.
We’re going to read straight from the book of Joshua in the Bible and in doing so get a heavenly perspective!
Because the way we see things isn’t the way God sees things.
Our reality is not God's reality…and in that alone there is so much HOPE!
Today I’m sharing Part 3 of this End of Summer Bible Study series. It’s been a few weeks since I shared parts 1 and 2 so go back and listen to episodes 94 and 96 to catch up…but I know you’ll be able to take off some of the pressure and gain a better perspective with this study on the book of Joshua.
These episodes are LOADED with value...not just encouragement but clear blueprints for YOUR success as a kingdom wife, mama, and entrepreneur.
When you are pursuing a goal - GOD’S WAY...things often look different! So let’s learn from the battles of the Israelites so that we can be strengthened for TODAY!
Pull out that journal to take some notes and grab your cup of your favorite beverage; press PLAY and let’s have a little podcast Bible study together!
Before you listen to this episode, I want to tell you about one simple resource that you can use to get some encouragement, Biblical perspective, and practical strategies for pursuing your greatest potential within the walls of your home.
Head over to the website for this FREE checklist “10 Tips to Finding Fulfillment While Balancing Motherhood and Business.” graphic
It's perfect, JUST in time for the start of the school year to help you not only be more PRODUCTIVE, but live with greater PURPOSE.
Connect ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
This is the time of year for new beginnings as you send the kids off to school or dust off those books for your homeschool.
I know one of the biggest frustrations as a mom is feeling the need to constantly start and restart again, because life’s interruptions are always throwing you and your best intentions off track! Ugh!
Or maybe you’re struggling to find the courage to start at all and you feel all alone on your journey.
Today I have friend and business coach - Brooke Jefferson - as a guest on The podcast to talk about WHY she laid down her successful 300,000 download podcast to start over from scratch!
Her surrender story will inspire you and she shares 3 practical strategies to help when you find yourself back at the beginning or pressing into greater growth.
-We’re talking about the value of slowing down
-How to achieve breakthrough
-what is true success
…And so much more!
I pray this conversation encourages you and equips you to KEEP GOING and keep getting back up, because sometimes going back to square one is part of kingdom GROWTH!
it’s time to refocus and find the courage to Start or Re Start again. ~ Michelle
Connect with Brooke at https://brookejefferson.com
and the Five Star Business Podcast
Connect ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Whenever you are crossing over into something new; looking to gain ground in business; preparing for a transition; pursuing the promises of God in your life...it is NOT easy!
Let me repeat that it is NOT easy!
There are so many battles we must face along the way and I know you feel me on this!
The good news is that YOU, my friend, are going to find a lot of encouragement in this conversation today!
So grab that cup of lukewarm coffee, kombucha, whatever...and get out your Bible and a pen to take some notes!
We’re going over 5 Key points -Biblical truths and PERSPECTIVES that will strengthen you for the inevitable battles or challenges you are going to face on your journey of growth.
You DO NOT want to miss this episode. It is the Pep Talk you need to start the school year STRONG!
Connect ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt

Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
In Today’s bonus episode, we’re talking about how
life can often feel like a ROLLERCOASTER…SO many ups and downs, ya know? 🤪
Or maybe you feel like you’re running in circles?
You work hard to make progress and despite all your efforts to be intentional and consistent, it feels like something is always distracting you, interrupting you, throwing you OFF, or dragging you back down.
The journey feels UPHILL and you fight discouragement because you wonder if you’re getting anywhere? You know, that 1 step forward 2 step backwards feeling?
In this conversation we’re going to get perspective for handling the rollercoaster of GROWTH - whether it be in regards to your family, spiritual walk, or business!
We’re going to go over 4 ways to find significance in what may feel like a “setback” and ultimately together, we’re going to keep surrendering as we find success in Christ!
Connect ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt

Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
I don’t know about you, but times where “shifting” takes place can be an opportunity for doubt and uncertainty and “ALL the feels” that aren’t all that positive to creep in!
I’m finding myself in the middle of a major family transition. Change is often GOOD, but for me it always brings some level of discomfort…
These are the moments where it can be easy to feel overwhelmed, lost, or even discouraged.
The Lord, in His goodness, had prompted me to take this past month and go back to re-share some podcasts that were inspired straight from my personal Bible time and journal a year ago!
I’ve been asked by several listeners to do some kind of ‘Podcast Bible Study’ recently
…SO, for those of you that would like to look to the word of God to be encouraged and rooted as YOU transition into the school year or in whatever change you’re in the midst of?
…Or if you want a bit of a spiritual reset! These next few episodes are for you!
In part 1 today, I share a fun little behind the scenes story of what it was like recording my first podcast ….eek!
I KNOW you are going to be so encouraged by today’s episode and ALL the Biblical wisdom covered from the book of Joshua!
What the Lord reminded me of thru this episode is that TRANSITION or CROSSING OVER is CONTINUAL. We need to continually be grounded in the Principles of God, because we are going to need them for success time and time again.
I can’t wait to share with you tips for how to march forward in confidence and victory...making progress in the midst of MOM LIFE!
We’re going over Simple Success strategies and STEPS for God’s warriors like YOU!
Let’s get into some Biblical Truths to Process through the Never Ending Changes of Life and Transition with Purpose!
Connect ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt

Friday Jul 22, 2022
Friday Jul 22, 2022
This conversation may seem slightly premature or it may find you right on time, but trust me…I think it’s important to set this straight now, as your mama brain is just starting to tip toe into the reality that summer is almost over and the school year will be here before you know it.
I KNOW you want to keep growing and getting better and you want to feel prepared for the upcoming semester…so let’s have an honest Heart 2 heart conversation today!
I want to ask…
Have you ever been in a place where you feel nearly EVERY area of your life needs an overhaul?
Maybe Life has felt cluttered and chaotic for so long that the thought of actually making changes feels overwhelming. It just feels too hard and like too much!
…so you do what you always do - nothing, and stay stuck.
Most likely You desire change for the good, but you’re not sure where to start.
You know you need some new healthy habits to help you get your life together and your home in order; but you’ve been off track or derailed for so long. It feels super intimidating to take even small steps towards improvement.
Ultimately, You’ve failed yourself time and time again, and you don’t really trust the commitments you make to yourself anymore. You struggle to believe in yourself and the negative self talk drowns out the encouraging voices around you.
Hey friend, I SEE you and I want you to know that God sees you!
Despite how you feel, you’re not alone and you’re not going under…You just need to take ONE simple but significant step to pivot in the right direction.
In this Heart 2 Heart conversation, I want to take you by the hand (just like I did with one of my coaching clients) and tell you WHERE to start when you desire to get some healthy habits in place to make the changes
Whether you need help in one area or maybe ALL the areas that feel out of order in your life...
NOW is the perfect time to get clarity and begin to REFOCUS before the school year with a powerful practice that will get your heart aligned and cultivate peace.
Connect ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt

Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Do you need a Miracle in your life?
Do you need a breakthrough in your marriage, with your children, in your business?
Do you need CLARITY on which way to go? What to do next?
We use the word Breakthrough a lot in our culture, but what I’ve learned is that true transformative and lasting breakthrough doesn’t come from trying harder.
More self development is NOT the solution.
YOU are not the secret ingredient to your miracle.
Rather, it’s the PRESENCE OF GOD that not only activates breakthrough, but precedes victory!
I can’t wait for you to listen Now, but I also want to encourage you to go back and listen to episodes 89 and 90 FIRST so it will catch you up on some previously discussed SUCCESS PRINCIPLES from the Book of Joshua.
This episode unpacks the secret to your success...to MIRACLES as you move towards your goals and pursue your greatest potential.
This passage of scripture is GOLD, as we, as christian entrepreneurs, look to the Word of God to be a “lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.”
Keep trusting! Keep doing your part!
Praying this encourages and refocuses your heart today ~ Michelle
P.S. This is a BEAUTIFUL worship/prayer set that you can put on when you're ready to be still and seek God's presence. This has been a blessing to me and I wanted to share it with you too, as I referred to it this episode. Listen Here > https://youtu.be/QYhap63b-kw
Connect ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt

Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Do you blame yourself for not being close to God?
Do you sometimes feel funky or spiritually “off” and take on guilt for not being your best?
Make Sense of Your Spiritual Funk and Get a Fresh Perspective for How to Shift into Peace by Doing ONE Thing!
Enjoy this Quick heart reset!
Connect ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt

Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
OK, I’m just going to be straight up and say that this is a mom MUST - LISTEN!
...In your business, in your marriage, in your HOME?
In this episode, we’re talking about 2 Keys for YOUR Success AND and some crucial character qualities to Instill in Your Children NOW! These are Principles straight from the book of Joshua on Courage and Obedience.
This conversation is LOADED with Biblical truth and “Mom wisdom” so please share this with a mom you know who is wanting some more peace in her home and more success - God’s way!
Be Blessed ~ Michelle
P.S. I know that where you are now is not where you’re going to be! There is not some magical destination where one day you will have “arrived” but rather, the journey IS the destination. Growing to look more like Jesus while living with more purpose and peace; making a difference; and enjoying the adventure is SUCCESS! But you don’t have to walk alone…
I’d love to support you on your success journey in a personal way through Heart 2 Heart Coaching. Grab a limited spot today and learn more here… www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Connect ~ www.MichelleHiatt.com/connect
Coaching ~ https://www.michellehiatt.com/coaching
Email ~ Hello@MichelleHiatt.com
IG ~ @MichelleAHiatt
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/MichelleAHiatt