Hey friend, welcome back to The Surrender Driven Success Podcast! Do you absolutely LOVE being a wife and a mom, but something in you desires MORE? Do you have dreams in your heart and the drive to pursue work “outside of motherhood” despite ALL the hats you wear at home? But you ask yourself HOW? How can I prioritize my family AND do the things I feel called to do without sacrificing one or the other? How can I grow as an entrepreneur without hurting my family? You wonder, if it’s REALLY possible to be an excellent wife, an intentional mother, AND be successful in business...ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD? Hi, my name is Michelle and as a wife of 17 years, a homeschooling mama of 5, and a kingdom entrepreneur, I know how you feel! Every bit of it. -I know you wish EVERYDAY that there were more hours in the DAY. -I know that the “Mom Guilt” whispers in your ear far too often. -I know that you would love to know the secret to overcoming the frustration of CONSTANT interruptions so that you could get more done. -You crave less distractions and more SIMPLICITY….More order in the home, but more fun experiences OUTSIDE the home…more connection with your family and less “BUSY.” -Above all, you wish that whatever season you are in and whatever hat you are wearing, you could just find PEACE… A peace rooted in your faith, so secure that you could NOT be shaken! You are NOT alone. I’m SO thankful you’re here to join me on this journey of processing life TOGETHER and growing in greater purpose, as fellow business minded mamas with a heart for home and a love for Jesus. I truly believe that “the MOST important work you will ever do is within the walls of your home.” Do believe that too? ...then let’s get our hearts NOURISHED and our minds EMPOWERED so that we can pursue our greatest potential by pursuing Jesus FIRST. I know how precious your time is, so on this podcast we’re going to go deep as we embrace SURRENDER driven SUCCESS; gain Biblical PERSPECTIVE for everyday life, and learn practical tips to experience more PEACE in the midst of balancing work AND family. But even more than that, let’s intentionally pave the way for our children’s future while we build ours. Let’s explore how to connect the work of our hands with our influence at home so that we can leave a lasting legacy through the next generation! Friend, God’s dreams for your life are better than yours so you can let go and trust. It starts in your heart and it starts in your home and FROM THERE… I believe you can create that impact and income you’ve always dreamed of. Go grab that basket of clean laundry to fold or pour another cup of coffee and let’s grow TOGETHER!

Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
Last week on The Nourishing Mompreneur Podcast I talked about
The Number One Way You Can Be a Better Mom and Overcome the Fear and the feelings of being “Not Enough.”
Please go listen to episode 77 to catch up with this conversation, but here’s the bottom line…
But HOW?
How do you connect with your kids better and meet their emotional needs when life is SO BUSY and you barely have the time for YOU or to get what you need to get done?
Today we’re talking about 5 practical ways to carve out quality time and where to get started.
This is going to help you Find more fulfillment as a mom, more peace in the home, and the peace of mind to get more work DONE …because everyone’s going to be happy and their love tank will be full. 😘
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Ever wish you could have ONE simple Conversation that would Cover ALL the most pressing topics on your heart?
Ya know, just to offer some encouragement and maybe a “next step” strategy or helpful perspective?
Well, TODAY might be your day …lol😘
I received a courageous email from my podcast friend Rosie and she had a LOT on her heart and some questions on her mind.
It’s hard to FULLY communicate in email or written messaging and sometimes you just need a friend to verbally process life with you for a minute and honestly speak to your heart.
Is that you?
Please know that my inbox is open to reach out. I’d love to respond to you on the weekly podcast too! (Contact me at www.NourishingMichelle.com)
Anyways, Rosie and I had a rich conversation that touched on challenges that relate to SO many of the topics that might resonate with you too…
-Network Marketing
Press Play, and Pause, and Play Again…as we breakdown ways to grow and thrive in a variety of areas. Let’s Have a Heart to Heart!
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
Do you find yourself secretly wondering if you’re a good enough mom?
Do you wonder if you’re doing enough for your kids - providing the perfect balance of saying YES, but also giving the structure they need to thrive?
Do you hope your kids are truly happy and getting their needs met?
Do you subtly fear that your weaknesses and imperfections are going to pass down to your kids and you’re going to hurt them because of the areas that you just can’t seem to “measure up?”
I could go on and on with the questions (and really fears) that might be frequently swirling around in the back of your mind and in the deep places of your heart as you do your BEST to raise your kids.
I know this because I AM a mom too…and I know these questions so well.
There is NOTHING I want more than to be the BEST mom that I can for my children.
AND I know you want the same.
But here’s the thing…
Although asking yourself hard questions and checking in with yourself from time to time is NOT a BAD thing. There’s so much wisdom in self reflection as you seek to keep growing.
It’s important that you identify the lies and if your questions are rooted in doubt, fear, insecurity, comparison to others, mom guilt, or simply SHAME?
I know Mother’s Day is upon us and as you anticipate your family celebrating you in some way, you might be triggered to subconsciously ask some of these doubting questions or feel a certain way
…and wonder if you’re WORTH being celebrated as a GREAT MOM?!
Today, I’d love to speak some TRUTH and bless you This Mother’s Day (or whatever day you’re listening)
But first, let’s take a moment and set our feelings aside and discover WHAT OUR KIDS actually want from us and how we can be a better mom (from their perspective).
When I ask my Kids the question “How can I be a better mom to you” the answer is always the same…and I’m going to share that with you today because I bet your kids would agree too.
Be Blessed this Mother’s Day! ~ Michelle
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Do you ever wonder if the work you are doing or the thing you are building is actually going somewhere?
if it’s really making a difference?
or if it’s even WORTH IT?
If you have ever listened to the podcast, you know that one of my FAVORITE quotes is “the most important work you will ever do is within the walls of your home”
For me and probably for you…this includes working on my marriage, working to raise and homeschool my kids, and also pursuing business endeavors as well.
It’s all done in my home and it all matters to my heart.
But there’s one thing it ALL has in common…
it’s HARD.
It’s hard growing and pursuing God’s best in all areas of life and with Mother’s Day just around the corner, you might feel triggered to even question how great of a job you are actually doing balancing the many hats?
Listen, let me be the first to tell you that you are amazing and there is not only NO ONE like you, but there is no one that could take your place.
I know we can all use a little encouragement sometimes as we press on and BUILD beautiful lives for the glory of God! Today, I want to remind you that although the journey may feel HARD, although it often feels HEAVY
The truth is, the work you can see with your eyes is but a glimpse of the greater picture as you show up every day.
Let’s get some greater vision on how you ARE paving the way for the next generation.
You are setting your kids up with every seed you SOW and it is a hard and holy process.
I want to remind you of 4 Biblical Principles to Help You Stay Faithful and Think Clearly even When it’s Hard.
And above all remind you to Be Strong and Courageous and DO THE WORK!
Listen to Today’s Episode for some encouragement and perspective, straight from the Word of God and straight for your “mama heart.”
Keep being Amazing! ~Michelle
P.S. The Podcast just hit 10,000 downloads! I would LOVE if you would celebrate with me by leaving a written review! Simply scroll to the bottom on Apple Itunes to Rate and leave a quick encouraging message. Appreciate you!
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
What do you do when you are floundering to adjust with change in your life?
What do you do when you get hit with a wave of overwhelm or anxiety?
What do you do when you feel like you are DROWNING?!
...trying to balance family and work with excellence.
Today, I wanted to share a simple truth that the Lord reminded ME of because I was the one that needed the Heart 2 Heart conversation, lol. 🤪
If you haven’t had a chance yet, go back and listen to the last Episode over on the podcast for context (and maybe a little curiosity) because it doesn’t get more real than that.
I literally made a voice note FOR MYSELF - IN THE SHOWER, because I didn’t have time to journal what I was going through… and shared that raw, behind the scenes conversation with YOU in Episode 74! EEEK! 🤦🏽♀️
Today, I talk about what I learned while transitioning to the deep end in the “work bucket” of my life and what it feels like diving into a stronger season.
The simple truth today will help you find true REST and PEACE when needed, so that you can press on and make the next stretch of progress in faith. 🙏
Let’s talk about a foundational SURRENDER DRIVEN SUCCESS STRATEGY!
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
I NEVER thought I would share this. I literally had ZERO intention at the time… BUT here it goes? 😅
I believe there is power in our testimonies and beauty in vulnerability and I hope that I can trust you to hear my heart, because I’m trusting that God will use a Moment of my story to shift your heart towards YOUR breakthrough!
I literally made a voice note FOR MYSELF - IN THE SHOWER, because I didn’t have time to journal what I was going through… and I’m going to share that raw, behind the scenes conversation with YOU! EEEK! 🤦🏽♀️
Here’s the Thing. Everyone is going through and GROWING through a process.
It's the power of God in the brokenness that brings breakthrough. 🌱
I believe that God is producing something beautiful in your season and in your struggles. Hold on a little longer!
P.S. TODAY is the BIGGEST sale of the year with the CBD oil brand I love and have trusted for my family for the past 4 years! See what’s new with the company and hurry fast to get some high quality hemp derived CBD oil that will bring balance and nutritional support for you and the family will love!
Learn more about CBD: http://bit.ly/NourishingCBD
Snag the Sale on my favorite CBD oil: www.NourishingCBDoil.com
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Did you know that Today's not only Good Friday But that it's also Passover?!
I'm sure you've already got all of your weekend plans in place, but I want to share with you
🛑ONE beautiful thing you can do RIGHT NOW to embrace more of the depth of the significance of this season from a Biblical perspective.
🙏🏼I know your mama heart craves to slow down and SIMPLIFY life a little more;
to spend less but to add more MEANING to all that you do.
This is a conversation on the FEAST of Passover that you do NOT want to overlook!
Over the years, our family has done things a little DIFFERENTLY when it comes to this time of year in that we focus on celebrating Passover rather than Easter. In our pursuit of truth, we've dropped some of our familiar traditions so that we can focus on the PURE beauty and the heart of God's appointed times.
Go check your email for a special behind the scenes look of some of the things we do and many of the sweet family moments we've had over the years as we REMEMBER all that God has Done! 👀
This has been a great fit for our family and today I wanted to explain,
💫WHY we celebrate Passover
💫HOW we celebrate Passover
💫AND give you a couple beautiful ways that you can help your kids understand and embrace this Feast of the Bible RIGHT NOW!
If you end up listening to this episode and it's nowhere near Passover/Easter time…don't worry! I have a printable that you are for sure going to want to grab and share with your kids because this visual is SO valuable for ALL of us as believers and is not limited to a date on the calendar.
Listen to Today’s episode for details; grab your free Passover Printable below; and Open up your heart and mind and ask God for wisdom as you make memories with your family and SEEK to Keep Jesus the Center of it all! ❤️
Passover Printable: http://bit.ly/TNM-Passover-Printable
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Ever Wondered If it’s REALLY possible to homeschool in the midst of change, transition, and other business endeavors?
Are you a homeschool mom that desires to do MORE…outside of motherhood?
Maybe you need to start adding to the family income or want to pursue that dream or business you’ve been holding in your heart but you’re not sure if you can really do BOTH?
Or maybe you’re a weary homeschool mama or even a “homework helping” mama who is just feeling a little burnt out and could use some encouragement and fresh strategies to finish the year strong?
If so, This conversation is for YOU!
I’m back with my amazing friend, Jessica Kent, to bring you Part 2 of our Homeschool Conversation!
I pray this blesses you BIG! ~ Michelle
P.S. Check out Ep 34 for Time Management Tips for Balancing it ALL! Grab your Free "10 Tips for Balancing Business and Motherhood Checklist" at www.NourishingMichelle.com/Connect
Teach Your Kids about Passover with this limited time Passover Printable! http://bit.ly/TNM-Passover-Printable
Need some Homeschool Sanity? Try Some high Quality Hemp-derived CBD oil for some incredible nutritional support you and your kids need for better focus, balance, and attitudes:)
Biggest Sale of the Year coming on 4/20 www.NourishingCBDoil.com
Learn More at http://bit.ly/NourishingCBD
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Hey mama,
If you’re feeling the pull to homeschool next year but don’t know if it’s even possible or the right fit?…
AND it also feels like time is running out to make a decision! THIS IS FOR YOU!
I’m bringing on one of my dear friends, Jessica Kent, who is not only passionate about homeschooling her 9 kids - but she actually started and runs a local homeschool co - op. (in her spare time of course, lol)
She’s the friend that is at the TOP of my list to ask when I have a homeschool question and I’m sure you will find some practical wisdom and encouragement in this very timely conversation.
In Part 1, we talk about
Why we choose to homeschool (and actually CONTINUE to do so;)
How do you know if homeschool may be a good fit and where to start?
What are some of the most important mindset and heartsets to have when homeschooling your kids?
And so much more!
Share this episode with your mom friends and reach out with your unanswered questions too over on the website.
Stay Tuned for Part 2! ~ Michelle
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
I’m excited for something NEW here on this podcast!
I’m excited for something honest, authentic, and PERSONAL as I respond to what is on YOUR heart …or one of your hearts at least today!
I hope you’ll feel welcome to pop in your earbuds and in your mind, plop yourself down with me on the couch to listen in to some customized conversations where I get to have a Heart 2 Heart with you!
My goal…to build more unity and community by speaking specifically into your life and simply processing life WITH YOU, as a friend.
My ultimate desire…is that God would speak thru me and that my words would not be full of opinions, preferences, or even solid “mom advice”...but that God’s heart would be revealed and you would walk away feeling so loved and encouraged by the ONE who made you. I hope that we can learn from each other and grow TOGETHER in the Lord.
How this works…many of you have reached out through a written message or voice note with something specific you’d like to chat about. I’m here to respond to you on the podcast and like I said, process life WITH you as a friend. Not a coach. Not someone who has it all figured out or who has the answers…but as someone who can humbly point you to THE ANSWER - Jesus Christ.
Because here on this podcast, pursuing your greatest potential as a wife, mom, in business, and in all areas of life always starts with pursuing JESUS FIRST.
I hope to offer some practical but Biblical perspective.
If you don’t know anything about this…here’s your invitation to reach out and tell me what’s on your mind and ask what’s on your heart. (Head over to www.nourishingmichelle.com and respond to the pop up to leave a speak pipe voice message or a comment in the box. As long as I have questions coming in, and as I am able, I will sprinkle these Heart to Heart conversations in on the podcast to serve you better.
I’m excited to respond to Lara today and chat about Mindsets for Making progress in business AND mothering well in the midst of a health crisis.
So friend, press PLAY and let’s have our first Heart to Heart today!
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle