Hey friend, welcome back to The Surrender Driven Success Podcast! Do you absolutely LOVE being a wife and a mom, but something in you desires MORE? Do you have dreams in your heart and the drive to pursue work “outside of motherhood” despite ALL the hats you wear at home? But you ask yourself HOW? How can I prioritize my family AND do the things I feel called to do without sacrificing one or the other? How can I grow as an entrepreneur without hurting my family? You wonder, if it’s REALLY possible to be an excellent wife, an intentional mother, AND be successful in business...ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD? Hi, my name is Michelle and as a wife of 17 years, a homeschooling mama of 5, and a kingdom entrepreneur, I know how you feel! Every bit of it. -I know you wish EVERYDAY that there were more hours in the DAY. -I know that the “Mom Guilt” whispers in your ear far too often. -I know that you would love to know the secret to overcoming the frustration of CONSTANT interruptions so that you could get more done. -You crave less distractions and more SIMPLICITY….More order in the home, but more fun experiences OUTSIDE the home…more connection with your family and less “BUSY.” -Above all, you wish that whatever season you are in and whatever hat you are wearing, you could just find PEACE… A peace rooted in your faith, so secure that you could NOT be shaken! You are NOT alone. I’m SO thankful you’re here to join me on this journey of processing life TOGETHER and growing in greater purpose, as fellow business minded mamas with a heart for home and a love for Jesus. I truly believe that “the MOST important work you will ever do is within the walls of your home.” Do believe that too? ...then let’s get our hearts NOURISHED and our minds EMPOWERED so that we can pursue our greatest potential by pursuing Jesus FIRST. I know how precious your time is, so on this podcast we’re going to go deep as we embrace SURRENDER driven SUCCESS; gain Biblical PERSPECTIVE for everyday life, and learn practical tips to experience more PEACE in the midst of balancing work AND family. But even more than that, let’s intentionally pave the way for our children’s future while we build ours. Let’s explore how to connect the work of our hands with our influence at home so that we can leave a lasting legacy through the next generation! Friend, God’s dreams for your life are better than yours so you can let go and trust. It starts in your heart and it starts in your home and FROM THERE… I believe you can create that impact and income you’ve always dreamed of. Go grab that basket of clean laundry to fold or pour another cup of coffee and let’s grow TOGETHER!

Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Want to position yourself for breakthrough?
It’s a little unconventional to talk about, but a big part of my faith journey this past year has revolved around FASTING.
Outside of intermittent fasting for health benefits, refraining from food for a spiritual purpose was new to me, in the sense that I hadn’t really done much of it before.
If you are curious about my journey, I would encourage you to go back and listen to episodes 26 and 27 on The Nourishing Mompreneur Podcast!
Ep 26: Part 1: WHY I Fasted for 21 Days and Why YOU Should Consider Fasting Too!
Ep 27: Part 2: Fasting For a Purpose. Spirit of Esther Rise Up!
Fasting is an ancient pathway to access your Heavenly Father in a very specific way.
Today, I want to share with you how my last 21 day fast played out and the importance of a fasted lifestyle.
So keep listening for an update on my fasting journey but more importantly for more revelation on how fasting can bring breakthroughs in YOUR life.
Check out these short videos to listen to some FAQ on Fasting and to connect with a book I highly recommend. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL39XSG-J9nGSvx0qcZq5LJDopYFszfKlO
P.S. I want you to be the FIRST to know about a super SWEET Giveaway happening NOW!
How can you get a Batch (or 4 pack) of The Nourishing Cupcake Jars for FREE?
2 ways to Enter this giveaway for the most delicious and nutritious handcrafted Cupcakes In a JAR!:
- on Apple Itunes, scroll down to the very bottom of this podcast and click “write a review”
Select your stars and write a title and written review and then take a screenshot and before hitting SEND!
Once submitted, email your screenshot to me at hello@nourishingmichelle.com and I will enter you in to win a BATCH or 4 pack of The Nourishing Cupcake Jars! You could also DM me your screenshot on IG @nourishingmichelle.
2) For a bonus entry: Take a screenshot of one of your favorite episodes and share it on IG in your stories and tag me @nourishingmichelle …I’ll SHARE YOU, in my stories as well and give you another entry in this giveaway!
To see what these Nourishing Cupcakes are all about...head over to www.NourishingMichelle.com for flavors and details:)

Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
You know as mothers, we are faced with opportunities all the time. Many of which are packaged to look and FEEL like inconveniences. 😅
I’m trying to NOTICE the opportunities better and not let the little things pass me by, because it’s the little things that are so often the BIG things in life. It’s the little moments I think we will miss the most when we look back once our kids are grown and gone.
SO, let’s pay attention to the little things our children communicate …it could actually be something that can leave a lasting impact or shape our kids in a significant way.
I digress…this past weekend my 6 year old daughter decided that she wanted to do a lemonade stand. It was definitely NOT what I had in mind for my Saturday, but I took a deep breath and went for it with her as a way to support her interests and give her a great little business experience. I can’t tell you how glad I am that I did!
Today, I want to walk you through in the most SIMPLE way to navigate those business ideas WITH your kids so that you can cultivate a spirit of entrepreneurship, build confidence, coach your kids to greatness, and mother with meaning.
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
On December 30th of 2021…just a few weeks back, my husband and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary!
We love going on regular dates and had scheduled something EXTRA fancy for this night…BUT, I ended up not feeling well the night before so we canceled our reservations and opted to stay home to be safe.
We put the kids to bed and sat out on our back patio next to the fire; looking up at the clear starry sky; and simply reflecting on our last 17 years of marriage.
It was so beautiful to me that we could sit outside, SO laid back…just hanging out and laughing hysterically for our anniversary while both feeling completely satisfied and fulfilled.
I thought to myself THIS is the perfect night! My heart was so FULL just enjoying my amazing husband.
I am truly thankful for what God has done in each of us, and how He continues to grow us individually and as a couple. I wanted to share a few key points that we both felt have been valuable on our journey. We’ve come a LONG way!
During our Anniversary evening conversation, what came up was the HEART of the matter when it comes to building a God centered, fulfilling marriage and I wanted to pour out some encouragement, perspective, and truth to you today!
Whether you're in a serious relationship or are a newlywed or have been married for much longer than me…I hope this reignites the ROOT of marriage and encourages you forward.
XOXO, Michelle
P.S. Don’t forget to grab this FREE phone wallpaper as you lean into 2022 with a heart of surrender! http://bit.ly/NourishingWallpaper2022
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Ok ladies...it’s getting a little unconventional today! Lol
Now that the holidays are over, many of us work from home or homeschooling mama’s might be home MORE. I know my goal this month is to keep the calendar as SIMPLE as possible.🤞🏼
Check out today’s conversation and hear me out on FOUR reasons why I think you should whip on some make up EVEN when you are home all day. 🤷🏽♀️
2020 was one of the busiest years of my life and although I never had enough time to do ALL the things, I never got enough sleep, and I was home ALL THE TIME...not seeing a lot of people face to face (#Covid19)
I stumbled into the habit of putting on some make up everyday and let me tell you...it made a difference! 💫
There is just something that can be MEANINGFUL about getting yourself a little put together in the morning. So, push play for some of the reasons WHY this can actually be valuable to your business, marriage, and motherhood! 💄
And if you are eager for some solid strategies and encouragement to you find FULFILLMENT while getting all the things done. I want to encourage you to go to nourishingmichelle.com/connect and grab the FREEBIE: 10 tips for balancing motherhood and business like a BOSS. These will be awesome to consider and the perfect conversations to pop into your earbuds WHILE you're putting on that makeup in the morning. ;)
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
2022 New Year Mindset Bonus!
I don’t know what you’re feeling now or have been feeling this week as you get the wheels rolling on ROUTINE again…not only routine but NEW intentions!
This is the time where you transition from “holiday mode/vacation mode” to “New Year/work mode”...and let’s just be REAL, it can feel simply HARD and OVERWHELMING!
Today I want to share with you a few things I had on my heart as I’ve been working through this shift in my own home.
Hit play on this episode for 3 tips to help you and the kids transition with GRACE.
Also, I want to encourage you to grab the FREE phone wallpaper I’ve created for the New Year! It’s such a great reminder to stay ROOTED and SURRENDERED to GOD’S BEST in your life for 2022.
Enjoy this FREE phone wallpaper as you lean into 2022 with a heart of surrender! http://bit.ly/NourishingWallpaper2022
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
As we start out the New Year…for those of you that have had a chance to connect with me on The Nourishing Mompreneur Podcast, I just want to say THANK YOU!
I will say that I’m trusting deeper and my desire is to speak what is on God’s heart more than ever this year. My hands and plans are really open with The Nourishing Mompreneur Podcast.
Even if it’s not what’s popular, or entertaining, or what feels good and gives your ego a pat on the back…
I want to speak whatever God is saying ….
to move how He’s leading…
and to be a friend that shares TRUTH and more of God’s perspective.
We need more truth and LIGHT in this world and we need more VISION more than ever in our lives as believers.
All that to say, I can’t wait to rise up WITH you in 2022, while we stand strong as women on MISSION with a heart surrendered!
Today I want to talk about the importance of VISION.
Why this is So So important and why having vision is superior than having goals as you begin 2022. Check out this episode!
Here for you ~ Michelle
I want to encourage you to stay ROOTED on SURRENDERED to GOD’S BEST in your life. Last year I created this wallpaper for my phone and wanted to share it with you now!
Enjoy this FREE phone wallpaper as you lean into 2022 with a heart of surrender! http://bit.ly/NourishingWallpaper2022
P.S. If this podcast has encouraged you in any way this past year, would you be so kind to leave a quick written review?
I appreciate you joining me on this journey of faith, motherhood, and for many of you BUSINESS. Thank YOU for trusting me with your time as I freely give my precious time, week after week.
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
As you look ahead with HOPE for the NEW Year...let’s talk about how to get refreshed and have some necessary self care - from a KINGDOM perspective.
I know how much change you’ve had to navigate the past few years.
I know how good your intentions are and how hard you’ve been working
I also know you’re weary, and REST seems harder and harder to comeby than ever before.
I know you feel overwhelmed and anxious more often than you’d care to admit
You're tired, but it’s a different kind of tired….your soul is TIRED!
Last year at this time, I was on the rock bottom of burn out and DESPERATE FOR SELF CARE! Or what I thought looked like self care. However, I’ve learned some better ways to deeply refresh at the ROOT….and I want to tell you how I came out of that place.
There are a lot of GOOD things you can and should do to keep yourself healthy. Don’t think I’m hating on self development or self care strategies.
But it’s NOT going to be enough for the times to come.
It’s not going to be enough to refresh you for the New Year.
We are living in a different world than we were last year or the year before and we need to do things differently...actually just more SIMPLY.
You don’t need more SELF care in your life or good things to DO….you need SOUL care! ...it is the only thing that will satisfy.
Today we’re going to talk about SOUL CARE...how to know when you need it, what that looks like, and how to nourish yourself in the busyness of everyday life.
P.S. As you set time aside this month to plan, prepare, and execute your best intentions…I want to encourage you to stay ROOTED on SURRENDERED to GOD’S BEST in your life.
Last year I created this wallpaper for my phone and wanted to share it with you now.
Let this be the year that you determine to give your joyful “YES!” to doing things God’s Way…in His Timing. His plans for you are perfect and the picture he sees for your life is beautiful. You can TRUST Him.
Enjoy this FREE phone wallpaper as you lean into 2022 with a heart of surrender! http://bit.ly/2022NourishingWallpaper
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
We are wrapping up this ‘Joy of Surrender’ Podcast Series over on The Nourishing Mompreneur Podcast with a PHENOMENAL conversation I know you are going to love!
I hope these conversations with other women, just like YOU...have encouraged you on your personal journey of faith.
Although we keep it real in each conversation on the often STRUGGLE of surrender...I hope you know deep down that it is WORTH IT! ...because the Joy of KNOWING Jesus and the fulfillment of a relationship with Him is EVERYTHING.
So here’s one more story of what it looks like when a woman gives God her YES!
I am confident Demetria has a WORD for you today!
P.S. As you finish wrapping your Christmas gifts...don’t forget to add in an encouraging note!
LAST CALL to Get your FREE GIFT - 'Joy of Surrender Cards' ~ https://bit.ly/JoyofSurrender
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
As we continue on with this ‘JOY of Surrender’ series on The Nourishing Mompreneur Podcast for the month of December, I want you to hear from other AMAZING women!
I want you to see their lives, hear their stories, and see what it looks like ON THE OTHER side of obedience.
How can “ giving God your yes” actually bring joy and fulfillment and what does that look like in the life of a busy wife, mom, and successful entrepreneur?
I’m so excited to bring my good friend, Heather Burns, on as a guest today! You are going to love her joy, her energy, and all the wisdom she shares.
She has been such a support to me on my personal journey this year and I want to remind you that you need other women in your life to help you walk out the call and the purposes that God has for you.…Raw, vulnerable, UNFILTERED friendships are NECESSARY!
Let’s tap into what’s POSSIBLE...and although living a surrendered life often goes against the grain of the rest of the world. There is GLORY revealed as we bring Heaven to earth through our surrendered lives.
XOXO ~ Michelle
As you begin to wrap Christmas gifts...don’t forget to add in an encouraging note!
Get your FREE GIFT - 'Joy of Surrender Cards' ~ https://bit.ly/JoyofSurrender
Shop the limited edition 'Joy of Surrender' Christmas ornaments ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
You guys are in for such a TREAT today! I am bringing to you such a fun and powerful conversation with my podcast mentor, Stefanie Gass.
If you’ve been wondering...how did you find the courage or inspiration to start a podcast?
How did you know the FIRST thing to do and what podcasts do YOU personally listen to?
Well, I’m going to point straight to Stefanie Gass. She is the host of a top 25 ranked podcast for Christian Entrepreneurs, The Stefanie Gass Show.
If you are needing clarity on your calling or want to start a podcast. Stefanie has some great courses that are AMAZING and I encourage you to connect with her. https://bit.ly/TNMPodcastProUniversity
But today, I’m not bringing Stef on the show to talk to you about podcasting...although we should definitely do that sometime soon in the future. I want you to get to know her and her story of surrender.
As we continue on with this 'JOY of surrender' series for the month of December, I want you to hear from other women.
I want you to see their lives, hear their stories, and see what it looks like ON THE OTHER side of obedience.
How can “ giving God your yes” actually bring joy and fulfillment and what does that look like in the life of a busy wife, mom, and successful entrepreneur?
Stefanie shared some powerful moments of surrender and how she is letting God replace her dreams with His.
Let’s tap into what’s POSSIBLE...and although living a surrendered life often goes against the grain of the rest of the world. There is GLORY revealed as we bring Heaven to earth through our surrendered lives.
Here for you! ~Michelle
P.S. Ever thought about starting your own podcast? Here's everything you need...
Get your FREE GIFT - 'Joy of Surrender Cards' ~ https://bit.ly/JoyofSurrender
Shop the limited edition 'Joy of Surrender' Christmas ornaments ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle