Hey friend, welcome back to The Surrender Driven Success Podcast! Do you absolutely LOVE being a wife and a mom, but something in you desires MORE? Do you have dreams in your heart and the drive to pursue work “outside of motherhood” despite ALL the hats you wear at home? But you ask yourself HOW? How can I prioritize my family AND do the things I feel called to do without sacrificing one or the other? How can I grow as an entrepreneur without hurting my family? You wonder, if it’s REALLY possible to be an excellent wife, an intentional mother, AND be successful in business...ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD? Hi, my name is Michelle and as a wife of 17 years, a homeschooling mama of 5, and a kingdom entrepreneur, I know how you feel! Every bit of it. -I know you wish EVERYDAY that there were more hours in the DAY. -I know that the “Mom Guilt” whispers in your ear far too often. -I know that you would love to know the secret to overcoming the frustration of CONSTANT interruptions so that you could get more done. -You crave less distractions and more SIMPLICITY….More order in the home, but more fun experiences OUTSIDE the home…more connection with your family and less “BUSY.” -Above all, you wish that whatever season you are in and whatever hat you are wearing, you could just find PEACE… A peace rooted in your faith, so secure that you could NOT be shaken! You are NOT alone. I’m SO thankful you’re here to join me on this journey of processing life TOGETHER and growing in greater purpose, as fellow business minded mamas with a heart for home and a love for Jesus. I truly believe that “the MOST important work you will ever do is within the walls of your home.” Do believe that too? ...then let’s get our hearts NOURISHED and our minds EMPOWERED so that we can pursue our greatest potential by pursuing Jesus FIRST. I know how precious your time is, so on this podcast we’re going to go deep as we embrace SURRENDER driven SUCCESS; gain Biblical PERSPECTIVE for everyday life, and learn practical tips to experience more PEACE in the midst of balancing work AND family. But even more than that, let’s intentionally pave the way for our children’s future while we build ours. Let’s explore how to connect the work of our hands with our influence at home so that we can leave a lasting legacy through the next generation! Friend, God’s dreams for your life are better than yours so you can let go and trust. It starts in your heart and it starts in your home and FROM THERE… I believe you can create that impact and income you’ve always dreamed of. Go grab that basket of clean laundry to fold or pour another cup of coffee and let’s grow TOGETHER!

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Hey friend,
I Cannot believe it is already DECEMBER! I’m so excited for the brand new podcast series I am bringing to the table this month!
I know that this is supposed to be “the most wonderful time of the year” but let’s get real...it doesn’t often feel like that.
It can feel like financial burden, less sleep, more stress, an overwhelmed calendar, and food coma’s! lol
This is the time of year, when our control freak nature comes out and we often don’t FEEL like our best selves, despite all the beautifully curated pictures taken.
But I want to talk about JOY...especially in the midst of tension, and mostly in light of SURRENDER.
When we think about choosing JOY and finding more joy in our lives, the idea of surrender is not typically the first thing on our mind.
But as you know….this has been the theme of my life this year and I want to press deeper into the JOY found in surrender and take you along with me.
So stay with me! I promise it’s going to be good!
So if you dare to journey with me, and you want to hear more of what other women’s “surrender seasons” have looked like and ARE looking like...
You are going to LOVE the conversations and the women that I bring on this show to pour into you this month!
Keep listening for some awesome stories and testimonies from women that are experiencing true JOY, as they surrender to the Lord in their everyday lives.
I’ll be starting out this “JOY of Surrender” podcast series for the month of December with more of my personal testimony today!
Let’s find freedom in letting go
Let’s find purpose in our pursuit of Jesus
Let’s find JOY in surrender
XOXO, Michelle
P.S Need some help gaining clarity, planning out 2022, and getting organized? Last Call to Grab your tickets to the DREAMERS SUMMIT THIS WEEKEND! You will be equipped and empowered to DREAM BIG with God and grow, deeply rooted in Him.
Purchase the Dream Planner ~ https://bit.ly/NourishingDreamPlanner
and use code NOURISH10 for 10% off the Dreamers Summit or your Planner
Get your FREE GIFT - 'Joy of Surrender Cards' ~ https://bit.ly/JoyofSurrender
Shop the limited edition 'Joy of Surrender' Christmas ornaments ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Last episode we talked about a Biblical mindset for setting the perfect goals!
I would SO much encourage you to go back and listen to that first, but one of the points I made was the truth that although we make our plans...it is the LORD that ordains our steps.
Now is the time where we are making our plans and setting our goals for the New Year.
It is awesome to set your intentions. I personally LOVE setting goals and making plans and I encourage you to do so!
BUT the HEART, the posture of our heart at the end of the day or really at the beginning of the day before we set out to do what we THINK or WANT to do...has to be a heart of surrender.
Letting God’s presence lead and trusting that HE knows best. He will ordain every step, even when it’s not in OUR plans.
But what DOES letting the presence of God lead actually look like?
Well, it looks like a lot of WAITING.
Sometimes His timing does not look like ours, which can leave us feeling frustrated and impatient.
If you find yourself in a waiting season...
Maybe you are waiting on a dream or WORD to come to pass?
Maybe you are waiting for a prayer to get answered?
Maybe you are waiting for a breakthrough in your marriage, in your relationship with your kids, in your business?
Maybe you are waiting to meet your future spouse or you’re waiting for a child?
I don’t know what you’re waiting for and there are MANY reasons that we are required to wait in life.
Patience can often feel PAINFUL! And if you struggle with patience in the slow seasons, in the “in between” and in the WAITING...listen to this Episode!
Today, I want to talk about CHOOSING to wait for the sake of surrendering to God’s will and what to do in the waiting. We’ll go over 5 Strategies for ACTIVELY waiting on God while you anticipate the next step.
I’m slowly understanding that waiting can be a beautiful process and how to do it ACTIVELY.
Purposefully waiting makes more sense of your season and ushers in GRACE for the process.
Blessings, Michelle
P.S Need some help gaining clarity, planning out 2022, and getting organized? Grab your tickets to the DREAMERS SUMMIT! You will be equipped and empowered to DREAM BIG with God and grow, deeply rooted in Him.
Purchase the Dream Planner ~ https://bit.ly/NourishingDreamPlanner
and use code NOURISH10 for 10% off the Dreamers Summit or your Planner
Get your FREE GIFT - 'Joy of Surrender Cards' ~ https://bit.ly/JoyofSurrender
Shop the limited edition 'Joy of Surrender' Christmas ornaments ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Calling all GOAL GETTERS!
Are you - at some point soon- going to prioritize setting aside time to brainstorm goals and intentions for the New Year?
It may not happen until the first week of the year, because I know how busy and FULL life is right now...but I know that it’s important to you how you show up in your life.
You care about making progress
You want to intentionally pursue your passions
You value personal growth
You want to make a greater difference in the world and in YOUR world.
And ultimately want to be ALL that God has created you to be...moving towards your goals every step of the way.
Today, we’re going to talk about HOW to set the Perfect goals for the New Year!
And YOU KNOW me by now...that it’s going to be a lot more than practical advice. We’re tackling the mindset and heartset today that are going to be KEY in this process.
I really encourage you to pull out your journal and take notes on what the Lord speaks to you in this conversation as we talk about ALL the things regarding kingdom PERSPECTIVE for setting PERFECT GOALS for the New Year. We’re going to brainstorm on how to get prepared and even how to KNOW your purpose and what it looks like to walk that out! Hope this blesses you friend! ~Michelle
And speaking of blessings...did you see the FREE gift I created for you? https://bit.ly/JoyofSurrender
Has your journey this past year brought you to your knees?
Have you felt loss, or grief, or the weight of sacrifice as you press on faithfully?
I know that sometimes life brings us low, but I want to remind you that it’s a beautiful thing to CHOOSE to go low in SURRENDER, when you are walking in obedience to the Lord! There is JOY to be found that can only come from a life laid down in pursuit of more of Jesus.
I want to remind you this season to CHOOSE THE JOY OF SURRENDER!
Grab these seasonally inspired cards of encouraging quotes and scripture verses to print and share! And Check out the “Joy of Surrender” Christmas Ornaments over at the Shop too!
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
In the last few episodes, we talked about How to make the rest of the year the BEST of your year and today...I want to talk with you about planning for the NEW YEAR!
Now is the time to begin dreaming and praying about 2022 and I couldn’t think of anyone better to have on my show than Polly Payne!
We are talking about time management tips for productivity, giving you permission to dream again, and empowering you with the resources to plan and GROW for 2022!
Get your FREE GIFT - 'Joy of Surrender Cards' AND
Shop the limited edition 'Joy of Surrender' Christmas ornaments ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Purchase the Dream Planner ~ https://bit.ly/NourishingDreamPlanner
and use code NOURISH10 for 10% off the Dreamers Summit or your Planner!
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Ok, I know it seems a bit early to be talking about Christmas or the holidays, BUT now that it's November...it will be here in a blink!
And ready or not, everywhere you look, the WORLD and the store shelves are going to remind you that it’s basically Christmas day...haha
For real though, doesn't it seem like they market for Christmas earlier each year?
I think that not only are they trying to get you to spend more money, but there IS something about this time of the year that changes the atmosphere and for many it sparks JOY.
It can be a positive distraction from the everyday mundane of life and blur out the stress of the past year’s craziness,
and businesses KNOW how to sell “happiness” through some good ole retail therapy.
But I know you friend...
I know you’d rather pursue an inner joy and satisfaction that does not come from materialistic stuff or is dictated by circumstances or special occasions.
You want to do the inner work so that your outer response reflects Joy and beauty of this season.
I love simplicity too!...and am not an over top shopper or decorator when it comes to the holidays, BUT...there is NO hiding from the fact that it’s ALMOST HERE! And that means there’s more to do and more to plan and more to buy and just more on YOUR PLATE.
NOW is the perfect time to get prepared and get our “inner game” in order as we get all the things done.
If you are a busy mama, like me...just taking it ONE day at a time, I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed AT ALL at the idea of this conversation.
This is meant to prepare your heart and mind so that you can go into the Holiday season feeling EMPOWERED and steady.
...flowing in gratitude, peace, and above all PURPOSE! Listen to the end, because I love where this simple conversation landed.
Enjoy all these valuable tips! XOXO ~ Michelle
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
We are in the ...as my dad would say it the “home stretch” of the year. 🤣
We’ve only got a few months left of 2021 which is just CRAZY!
Today, I want to share 3 simple steps that you can do to effectively make progress towards your goals during the BUSIEST time of the year.
We want to get clarity back and refocus because you and I both know just how crazy the holiday and Christmas season can be and how hard it can be to finish the year without losing momentum towards our goals. 💪🏼
It seems like when the last couple months of the year come, the tendency is to…
A) throw in the towel with the realization that there is SO MUCH EXTRA going on, thinking “I’m just going to call it quits and pick up after the holidays to refocus and get back on track.” #survivalmode
B) you can rally up momentum, laser focus, and seize every opportunity for growth and progress despite the extra full calendar. #hustlehard
This is the time of year, where “middle ground” is hard to come by because most find themselves in “vacation mode” or “hustle mode.”
Well what IS the right approach and how can we respond so that we can make “the rest of the year, the best of our year?” 💫
Let’s process through some holiday hacks for purposeful productivity!
Cheering you on! ~Michelle

Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Ep 43 // Feeling like a MESS? Life Reminders From a Chocolate Cake!
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
It was one of THOSE days! You know, those days where you can’t seem to get off the “struggle bus” despite your best intentions? 🤪
My day ended up with me lying on the floor of my bedroom with a horrible migraine after cleaning up sewage off the bathroom floor AND in the shower!
Yes, you heard that right...the septic system backed up and left me a real “gift” to deal with. 😝 (that’s what happens when there are five ladies in the house and a LOT of TP)
Anyways, there was not only literal CRAP to deal with...but I just felt emotionally messy. I had no choice but to put on my brave face and MAKE the day work because my husband was out of town….and you gotta do what you gotta do. 🤷🏽♀️
It reminded me of this spontaneous Facebook live video I recorded last year after working through a little birthday mess!
I’ll be back in the kitchen tomorrow brainstorming the next kid’s birthday cake and I wanted to share this sweet reminder that all started with a chocolate cake!👩🏽🍳
SO, if you feel like your life is a little bit of a mess?
Or you are feeling like there’s a recipe for disaster in the works?
If you’ve been feeling down or life feels a little messy, then this is the perfect message to help you finish the year strong! 🙏🏼
Although this year may feel like a “bad batch” and it’s easy to feel like there’s no hope for some situations, I want to encourage you that there IS hope, no matter how sticky or messy it looks!
Don’t quit! Don’t throw in the towel! I have faith that if you keep trying and keep asking yourself good questions, you're going to make something good out of whatever mess you're dealing with. 💫
There is hope for your situation! XOXO ~Michelle
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Hear me out friend,
I used to and STILL find myself wanting to make statements like…
“You do YOU”
“be the BEST version of YOU!”
If you’ve been in entrepreneurship or on a self development journey for any length of time, I know you’ve heard them too!...or have probably even said these statements?
Don’t we ALL want to be authentic to the unique individuals that we are and to be the best version of ourselves?
I know I do.
BUT ...the more the Lord transforms my heart and opens up my eyes to see things through HIS eyes, the more I see through some of the cracks of the self development mantras that many of us have taken so much to heart.
I want to share a BIBLICAL perspective with you today and talk about WHY you should quit trying to be the best version of yourself!
If you are a kingdom minded entrepreneur or a faith filled mama with a heart to truly honor God in all you do by first becoming WHO He desires you to be...this conversation will give you just the clarity you need on how to embark on HEAVEN’s self development plan.
Anytime we take the focus off of ourselves, the truth of the God can rule and reign in our hearts and minds - compelling us to TRANSFORMATION and growth that LASTS for eternity.
So open up your heart and jump in with me as we discuss these catchy phrases from a more Biblical perspective.
I’ll share with you the biggest place to start for true transformation.
Humbled to be on this journey with you ~ Michelle
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
It’s getting REAL today on the podcast as I share Part 2 of Business Building Wisdom!
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Is your heart HEAVY and your soul TIRED from all the chaos of this world?
Do you feel conflicted about how to respond as a believer to all the political agendas and dividing perspectives being thrown in your face?
Do you feel a pull to shut out the noise and refocus to protect your peace?
In today’s podcast, I’m sharing a recent conversation I had over on the All My Favorite People Podcast hosted by Brittney Jones.
If you’ve been following me from the beginning, I shared a previous conversation with Brittney as one of my very FIRST episodes...but WOW, how I have changed and how the world has changed since then!
In today's controversial climate, Christians are feeling conflicted... trying to navigate how to handle their position when religion and politics collide?
Do we stand up and speak out?
Do we love our neighbor and unify?
How do we advocate for others in a way that still displays Jesus to the world?
One Thing I’ve learned is that true FREEDOM is an inside job.
The world may be shifting in another direction but I know who I am because I know WHOSE I am.
My encouragement to you is to stand firm in your freedom because you stand on a firm foundation.
“For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
2 Corinthians 3:17
Check out this candid conversation where we take a Biblical perspective on Freedom. We also talk about how to stay “mission minded” in the midst of these turbulent times as we talk about The ONE THING that is the answer to EVERYTHING.
P.S.download your FREE PDF of “10 Tips to Finding Fulfillment While Balancing Motherhood and Business like a BOSS” over at www.NourishingMichelle.com
Grab this checklist and listen to the corresponding Podcast episodes for ALL the encouragement, Biblical perspective, and practical strategies for pursuing your greatest potential within the walls of your home!
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle