Hey friend, welcome back to The Surrender Driven Success Podcast! Do you absolutely LOVE being a wife and a mom, but something in you desires MORE? Do you have dreams in your heart and the drive to pursue work “outside of motherhood” despite ALL the hats you wear at home? But you ask yourself HOW? How can I prioritize my family AND do the things I feel called to do without sacrificing one or the other? How can I grow as an entrepreneur without hurting my family? You wonder, if it’s REALLY possible to be an excellent wife, an intentional mother, AND be successful in business...ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD? Hi, my name is Michelle and as a wife of 17 years, a homeschooling mama of 5, and a kingdom entrepreneur, I know how you feel! Every bit of it. -I know you wish EVERYDAY that there were more hours in the DAY. -I know that the “Mom Guilt” whispers in your ear far too often. -I know that you would love to know the secret to overcoming the frustration of CONSTANT interruptions so that you could get more done. -You crave less distractions and more SIMPLICITY….More order in the home, but more fun experiences OUTSIDE the home…more connection with your family and less “BUSY.” -Above all, you wish that whatever season you are in and whatever hat you are wearing, you could just find PEACE… A peace rooted in your faith, so secure that you could NOT be shaken! You are NOT alone. I’m SO thankful you’re here to join me on this journey of processing life TOGETHER and growing in greater purpose, as fellow business minded mamas with a heart for home and a love for Jesus. I truly believe that “the MOST important work you will ever do is within the walls of your home.” Do believe that too? ...then let’s get our hearts NOURISHED and our minds EMPOWERED so that we can pursue our greatest potential by pursuing Jesus FIRST. I know how precious your time is, so on this podcast we’re going to go deep as we embrace SURRENDER driven SUCCESS; gain Biblical PERSPECTIVE for everyday life, and learn practical tips to experience more PEACE in the midst of balancing work AND family. But even more than that, let’s intentionally pave the way for our children’s future while we build ours. Let’s explore how to connect the work of our hands with our influence at home so that we can leave a lasting legacy through the next generation! Friend, God’s dreams for your life are better than yours so you can let go and trust. It starts in your heart and it starts in your home and FROM THERE… I believe you can create that impact and income you’ve always dreamed of. Go grab that basket of clean laundry to fold or pour another cup of coffee and let’s grow TOGETHER!

Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Are you struggling for a breakthrough in your business?
Do you feel like your efforts are not working or growth is taking too long?
Do you sometimes wonder if you’re even pursuing the right thing?
Today I’m going to share with you the “SECRET SAUCE” to reaching any goal, but most importantly HOW to know for certain that what you’re doing will make an eternal impact.
This is part 1 of a “Business Building Wisdom” conversation! We’ll go over some basic principles to get UNSTUCK and most importantly STICK WITH IT...as you seek to grow with consistency, certainty, and COURAGE.
In this episode I’ll share with you some encouraging quotes that have resonated with me over the years as a simple nudge of motivation for your journey!
Keep up the good work! ~Michelle
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
What do you do when you don’t feel like doing school with your kids?
When it feels like frustration and inconvenience and it’s creating tension in your relationship?
What if homeschool or homework makes you feel like a failure?
Today, let’s talk about a perspective that creates some beautiful possibilities...
Because WHAT IF the necessary homework or homeschool time with your kids could actually help you become the woman you desire to be? Most importantly the woman GOD desires you to be?
What if your mundane responsibilities could instill Godly character into your children?
What if this tedious task of helping your kids with school could accelerate your business?
How can your “classroom time” even cultivate a better marriage?
How can you honor God through it all?
Push play for all the juicy details...
All you mamas out there feeling the tension of homeschool or feeling the frustration of Doing homework with your kids…this is for YOU!
P.S. If you're wanting some more tangible encouragement, check out my FREE CHECKLIST- 10 Tips to Finding Fulfillment While Balancing Motherhood and Business over on the website👇🏼
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
When the rubber meets the road and ALL the things are in full swing when it comes to work, your kids school, extra curricular activities, birthday parties and holidays, workout routines, and family gatherings….you name it...the calendar gets full FAST!
It takes being a little, or A LOT, of intentionality to show up and give your best to all the different demands in life.
This is why I recently shared some of the things that have worked to help me structure my life during busy seasons. I don’t have all the answers...but I definitely have some insight in this area. I think I will forever be a student of time management strategies and mindsets because finding joy and simplicity in the busyness of life is a BLESSING!
That’s why we’re here right?...to process life together and discover how to be an excellent wife, an intentional mother, AND be successful in business or other endeavors ...WHILE giving glory to God every step of the way.
We get to wrestle with and explore through our conversation, the things that are going to help us not only structure our lives INTENTIONALLY, but align our minds and HEARTS to God’s Will. NOTHING is impossible through Christ.
In Episode 34, I shared meaningful time management strategies to help you get organized, productive, and purposeful with your day. I literally walked you through step by step how to create your own daily rhythm and routine.
This works well for me in busy seasons, and I’m continually looking for ways to get better and more efficient.
So, if you want me to take you by the hand and literally set up your daily workflow so you can get the most important things done and create a smooth rhythm...go back and listen to Ep 34. I think you’ll find it helpful!
Then in Episode 35, I shared exactly what to do with your lists at the end of the day so that you can bring closure to your calendar and go to bed with a full heart every night.
You know how it feels like the lists “never get done”?...well, this strategy is beautiful for helping you “wrap it up” and feel a sense of gratitude and accomplishment at the end of the day.
SO, think of these episodes of part 1 and part 2 of Time Management Secrets and today is part 3!
Now, even if you are not a calendar or list person...if you operate best “flying by the seat of your pants” that’s cool. My husband is wired that way and he gets A LOT done and is an amazing husband and father and is also successful in business!
Don’t ever feel like if your personality or natural tendencies don’t “jive” with me, that you have some kind of disadvantage.
Regardless of your method or LACK OF method for organizing your busy life...this episode is totally for YOU!
It is always about finding what works for YOU...but at the same time embracing the truth that it is NOT ABOUT YOU! I’ll talk more about this today!
PRESS PLAY NOW for some faith filled, valuable Time Management Hacks for your Heart!
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Honestly friend,
This is one of those conversations that everything in me wanted to run away from because it felt too hard to tackle...to put into words what God has been revealing to me this year and articulate fully what’s in my heart, in the right way.
But I felt like I HAD to open up and do my best to share SOME of the pieces of what God has been doing in my heart this year.
This year - 2021 - for me the ONE in this number has represented something significantly NEW. It’s felt like year ONE of my life in some ways. I feel like I’ve been “born again” and am trying to live again or rather live in a NEW way.
I feel like there’s been a major spiritual awakening in my heart...but ultimately the only thing I can say is that God is doing a NEW thing in me.
Embracing this process has not been easy or pretty...but it’s SO worth it to me and I will forever be on the journey or pursuing my greatest potential by pursuing more of Jesus!
In today’s episode I ask myself the hard questions and answer honestly.
I recently heard a quote that said "some of life's greatest answers are questions"
- If you are feeling stuck in your faith or questioning all you've known?
- If you know deep down there has got to be MORE!
- If you too are going through your own spiritual “awakening” and the old ways of thinking and living just don’t seem good enough anymore?
What you are really asking is for an EXPERIENCE. You want to KNOW and experience your heavenly Father in a way so real that all questions fade away.
Keep pressing in and press play on Episode 36 to hear my heart and some of what I'm learning SO FAR.
My prayer is that the Lord would speak to you in the process, whatever it is that YOU need to hear because He was waking up and preparing HIS bride.
Let’s embrace this uncomfortable but necessary and refining process together because this is just the beginning of a life of greater freedom and greater purpose here on this earth.
I believe that...and I'm pulling you along with me! XOXO ~Michelle
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
With the school year fully in swing for the kids, it’s a great time to re-evaluate your schedule and maybe what’s working and what’s NOT working in your life.
Last week I gave you ALL the details about exactly HOW I structure my life and bring a rhythm or “work flow” to my days.
The area of time management is always a place of learning because you can’t be a wife, homeschool mama, and get much done OUTSIDE of those responsibilities without being intentional with how you use your time.
I laid out how to “time block” to be more productive but most importantly, how to decide WHAT to fill it with to make your days purposeful.
I talked about how to decide your non-negotiables...those things that are NECESSARY and also NOURISHING to you!
You’ll want to listen to last week's episode # 34 on “How to Find Fulfillment while Managing Motherhood and Business! Where I teach you Meaningful Time Management Hacks to get Organized, Productive, and Purposeful with your day.
TODAY, I want to address what to do at the END of your day. How to wrap up your day and bring CLOSURE to your calendar...where no matter how chaotic or crazy the day was. No matter how much you DID or DIDN’T get done...you can always go to bed with a full heart; ready for peaceful sleep and a new day tomorrow.
P.S. I want to remind you to take a minute to remind you to take advantage of the FREE gift I created JUST for you, in this very season. This is my personal checklist with some solid advice to support you as a fellow busy mama.
don’t forget to head over to www.NourishingMichelle.com to download your FREE PDF of “10 Tips to Finding Fulfillment While Balancing Motherhood and Business like a BOSS”
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Hey busy mama,
Do you want to discover God’s best and see if it’s really possible to be an excellent wife, an intentional mother, AND be successful in business...ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD?
As a wife of 16 years, a homeschooling mama of 5, and an entrepreneur, I know that the struggle is REAL!
One of the biggest challenges you’ve got to work through is the battle against the clock. It’s so easy to run out of time, or to run out of energy, or to run out of motivation...and simply end up letting some of the balls drop.
It is so disappointing to have such great intentions, but feel like you just can’t make it happen...Like You can’t measure up!
I know that feeling. I’m here to tell you that although I don’t have all the answers, I want to share with you some of the valuable tips and skills that I’ve learned to help me not only get more done, but to live a more fulfilled life.
Knowing at the end of the day that I’ve not only been PRODUCTIVE, but that my day - my life - has been MEANINGFUL!
Listen to today’s episode for ALL the juicy details as I literally walk you through my calendar and also let you into my heart.
Get out a pen and paper to take notes as I tell you EXACTLY how I order my day to create productivity and PURPOSE!
P.S. If you want some tangible tips that you can hold in your hand and start implementing TODAY…don’t forget to head over to www.NourishingMichelle.com to download your FREE PDF of “10 Tips to Finding Fulfillment While Balancing Motherhood and Business like a BOSS”
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Hey friend,
Have you experienced a loss this year?
Maybe you’ve lost a loved one due to sickness?
Maybe you’ve lost your health in some way?
Maybe you’ve lost a job?
Maybe you’ve lost a relationship?
Maybe your dreams feel lost?
Maybe you’re even feeling the loss of things you’ve had to lay down, for a season.
Whatever that looks like for you, I think that most of us have experienced some kind of loss this past year.
And loss is HARD and can even make you feel LOST!
As Covid has swept through the world and changed our lives as we know it, there has been some significant change that we’ve all had to face...and often it’s resulted in a loss.
Where there is loss, there is also grieving.
It’s important.
It’s necessary.
It’s part of the process of healing and just taking one more step forward.
But HOW our hearts choose to align with our reality is SO important and will impact our future - whether we realize it or not. We can grow roots of bitterness or we can bless the pain and trust a bigger picture.
At the end of the day, we can grow bitter or BETTER...and I don’t know about you, but I’m here for the BETTER. No matter how messy the process looks.
In today’s episode, I’ll share a bit of my own loss this year and how I’ve been walking through this with my kids. I pray that it soothes the aching in your heart and gives you some fresh perspective to keep going!
Big Hugs! ~ Michelle
P.S. I want to remind you to go back and check out Ep 12 “Making Progress Towards Your Goals in the Midst of Grief and Family Challenges”
In this episode, I share some tips that have helped me get through and stay the course during some HEAVY weeks.
Also, I wanted to remind you to go grab the free gift that I created just for you! I put together a beautiful checklist that is going to walk you through my top 10 tips to helping you “Find more fulfillment while balancing motherhood and business, like a BOSS”
Head over to www.NourishingMichelle.com and subscribe to the Nourishing Fam Email list to receive your Free copy today.
Encouraging Song: https://youtu.be/VBzg4B3_yS8
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Ep 32 // TWO Tips to Help You OVERCOME the Overwhelm and be the BOSS of Your Emotions!
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Today I want to share with you TWO really simple tips that you AND your kids can apply to your everyday life to help you overcome and navigate the negative emotions.
You know, Those moments that look like...meltdowns, tantrums, bad attitudes, frustration, just feeling NEGATIVE!
I know you mama, and I know that you want more joy in your day-to-day life. There is ALWAYS a curve ball thrown your way...and it’s EXHAUSTING.
Sometimes you feel like you're constantly putting out fires...and that your brain is on fire and you live in a state of aggravation and stress.
You don’t want to let the struggles of business and the often frustration of being a mom, keep getting the best of you.
You don’t want to be a “ticking time bomb” and just stuff your emotions, to feel like you keep faking it until you make it. When in reality you’re really just grumpy all the time.
You want to help your kids stop pushing your buttons with their own bad attitudes and emotional meltdowns.
At the end of the day, you want to be more light, to experience more laughter, to be more FREE and carefree - you know, the way it was before all the responsibilities started weighing you down.
THIS Is why this conversation is important! If you want to be excellent in your home AND in your business...and you want to serve your family and others well...we need to flex our FREEDOM of choice when it comes to our feelings.
We’re going to FIRST talk about the ROOT of controlling our emotions and then I’ll share a few easy options to put YOU back in the driver's seat when your emotions are getting the best of you.
P.S. Before we get into today’s conversation, I want to mention that I have a FREE gift, just for you that just launched TODAY! YAY! I’m so excited because this is going to be perfect, JUST in time for the craziness of the school year AND because you are a podcast listener...you get to be the FIRST to know about it!
Get your FREE gift at www.NourishingMichelle.com and download my “10 tips to help you find more fulfillment while balancing motherhood and business, like a BOSS”
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
STOP! Before you send your kids off to school, Listen to this first!
Last year, in the HEAT of Covid...parents had to make the very difficult decision as to what their children’s education was going to look like for the year.
With SO many unknowns, it was hard to be confident...we have never had to live through a pandemic before, especially our children.
As a mother, you always want to give your kids the BEST...not only the best education, but also the protection that they need.
But How? HOW do you courageously make the RIGHT decision for your child as they go back to school? ...in a world where it seems like you just can’t win.
Last year, on the cusp of the school year...I shared my thoughts in a candid FB LIVE video and I wanted to share them with you again as we prepare for another school year.
Unfortunately, it seems like things are heating back up again in regards to Covid and we may be faced with a similar, if not more complex situation than last year.
As a mother of 5 who has always homeschooled her children, EVEN I have to consider the outside circumstances and how they affect our family. Because they DO!
But one thing I know very well is that when you homeschool, you are ALWAYS in “figure it out mode.”
Because your children’s education falls on you, you can’t just send them off to school and not think about it. It is MY responsibility as a homeschool mom to continually check in and make sure that I am serving each INDIVIDUAL child well, in that specific season...in a way that also works for the entire family unit.
So if you find yourself in some case of “figure it out mode” even though time is almost out before the school year begins, I wanted to share this message with you to bring you some clarity and encouragement.
So stop right now and take a deep breath!
First, know that you are a WONDERFUL mother, handpicked for your children and that NO ONE can do it better than YOU!
As you pray for wisdom, Seek the Lord’s heart in the matter, and ask yourself the hard questions...I have confidence that you will make the right decision for your kids, IN THIS VERY SEASON.
I pray that this short word of encouragement gives you the little nudge of confirmation or courage you need as you walk with your kid’s into another year of school.
P.S. AND one last thing, I want to mention that I have a FREE gift, just for you! This is going to be perfect, JUST in time for the craziness of the school year.
I know you’re out shopping for all of your kid’s Back to School supplies, but this resource is going to be for YOU! to help you “Find more fulfillment while balance motherhood and business, like a BOSS”
Be sure to connect with me on social media AND definitely subscribe to the email list at NourishingMichelle.com to grab this FREEBIE!
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle

Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Hey mama,
Do you regularly feel overwhelmed with your lists?
Do you always secretly wish there were more hours in the day?
Do you feel like your options are - either sacrifice your sleep and health or let the balls drop?
Do you feel like there is always too much to do and not enough time, and the to-do lists keep rolling over to the next day?
Today I want to share with you THREE tips that are GOLDEN for your time management. These are helpful strategies and mindsets I’m working on in my own personal life and that are working for me to not only get more done...but to find more fulfillment in my days because I am using my time wisely and SEIZING or SAVORING THE SLIVERS OF TIME well.
I know today’s episode is going to be so helpful for you as you structure ALL the details of your days...and keep crushing it as a mompreneur!
Connect ~ www.NourishingMichelle.com/connect
Email ~ Hello@nourishingmichelle.com
IG ~ @NourishingMichelle
FB ~ www.Facebook.com/NourishingMichelle